Smart Inventory Manager New Features

Switch SIM language to adapt to users

SIM has already been translate in more than 8 languages. But you had to select the same langage for everybody.
With the new LANGUAGE option, you can share the same data base with many users, each one having his favorite langage.

Switch SIM language to adapt to users

Click on the image to watch the demo

Simplify the management of your orders

Manage your orders from your inventory software and save time, avoid mistakes and complications.
  • What products are missing? Which ones fall below the minimum threshold ?
  • What is the required purchase quantity to reach the optimal level ?
  • What order is being prepared ?
  • What order has been sent ?
  • What did I already receive ?
  • What are the most recent orders I have dispacthed ?
  • How can I print my orders ?
  • How can I directly send the orders to each supplier ?
WATCH THE VIDEO and discover how the "ORDER" option on SIM answers all these questions!

New Smartphone App

Exciting news: The latest version of SOLTISCAN for Android is now available on Playstore.
The highly anticipated IOS version will be available soon!
Here are the new features:
  • MySQL with all movements (in, out, inventory, move, cart)
  • Shopping cart
  • Qty in stock
  • Update the project attribute and customer attribute names
  • Visualize the product description

The app has over 9,700 downloads worlwide!

Charts and Graphics to analyze your inventory

Smart Inventory Manager can turn physical activities into digital information.
All the information collected in your warehouse can be displayed in the most convenient way.
Of course with SIM you can also use Excel, Power BI or Google Data Studio to realize powerful analyses and colorful graphical charts. With SIM, you don't need to be an expert, With a couple of clicks, you can display whatever you want, and print them easily.

Printing & Reading QR Code with SIM

Everybody is talking about QR code. What is it really ? When do we need it ? QR means Quick Response. It is necessary when there is more than 30 characters to store on a label. In this video you will see how you can track an article with a QR code label that enables any smartphone to get data from a central date base. This powerful feature is very easy to install with SIM.
Gestion de stock powerbi

New Feature Power BI X SIM

Business Insights and Analytics related to your inventory

Easily connect, model, and visualize your data by creating personalized reports with your KPIs and brand.
Get fast AI-powered answers to your inventory questions, even when asking with casual language.
Keep your data up-to-date in real-time by refreshing information directly from your warehouse and logbook.

SIM Software for 3PL (Third Party Logistics)

If Third-Party Logistics isn't familiar for you, it's the case where a company entrusts another company to manage its logistics activities. With the aim of boost its performance and to refocus on their core businesses.
Republic Shipping, a Florida company specialized in 3PL, reached us to develop a special version of SIM to drive their Third-party logistics activities. Thanks to SIM they can bill their customers according to the weight, volume and the time customer's products spend in their warehouse. This great collaboration led to the birth of the remarkable SIM 3PL option.
If you are also looking for a 1, 2, 3, 4PL software, don't hesitate to contact us.

Expiration dates

The principles discussed here apply to any industry where Lot tracking and serialization are used. In this video you'll learn how to assign a lot number when receiving, how to issue Lot-controlled items for manufacturing purposes and how serial numbers can be applied to either finished goods or component items. You will also see how the sophisticated multi-level trace report can help you identify where and when Lot quantities or serial numbers were used in the products you sold.


The new date option is easier: only one "date" by SIM line. A new manufacturing Lot will need a different line, date and reference. Ideal for tracking the characteristics of products.


This is the end for the free printing label software sold with your printer. They do good things but they are better for creation rather than production, they are hard to use and you lose time. Our new label printer is interactive and intuitive. It answers at all your needs as: characters size, layout, barcode type, and dimension. SIM prints labels one by one or by excel sheet.


The ability to print labels alone makes SIM a compelling reason to buy!

QR Code

Increase the value of your products

Codebar possibilities are unlimited; with the QR code your phone is able to describe a labeled product. It was first used in Toyota and the creators wouldn't imagine that one day it would work in the wine industry. A Smart scan of the bottle and you can directly find the website of the provider.
This kind of practice is being developed in many fields. So why don't you use it on your products?
Bottle of wine from Provence QR code of a bottle of wine