Frequently Asked Questions about Inventory Software

All answers abour inventory software

What is inventory control ?

You will find answers to the most common questions on this page.
Select the topic you are interested in, or use the page search CTRL-F of your browser.
For more detailed answers, consult the SIM User Manual.

General topics




Getting started


Export and analyse data


What size of company is SIM best suited for?

Any company, in any industry or activity can use SIM. SIM is not designed for AMAZON-type warehouses that manages dozens of items in parallel. SIM is designed to be simple and inexpensive, the standard configuration is limited to one hundred minutes operations. In 90% of cases, this is more than enough. SIM supports up to 20 workstations and 100,000 items.
There is practically no company or amount of stock that is too big or too small.

What is the maximum number of inventory items SIM supports?

SIM supports up to 20 workstations and 100,000 items.
There is practically no company or amount of stock that is too big or too small. Stocking capacity of the software is defined by the amount of traffic. To go beyond 10 simultaneous users, or to increase bit rates, a user would need to opt for a different technology and switch to Microsoft SQL Server or MySQL, which allows SIM.

Can I integrate SIM with my ERP or my accounting software?

With PRODUCTS / EXPORT we create files that your ERP or your accounting software can read.
With TOOLS / DATA / IMPORT you can integrate data from your software.
As a feature, SIM offers the ability to manage any file formats and enable changes with a single mouse click.
Other links are possible (ie. direct access to a database, Internet connection) but usually the file system is enough for most purposes.
Reach out to us to obtain an interface for the most commonly used applications: WooCommerce, QuickBooks, SAP, Shopify, etc.

Does SIM require Internet connection?

SIM works without any internet connection. The program and the database data are installed on your own PC or server.
There is no need for any internet or intranet connection. You can get all the benefits offline.
If your PCs are connected, they can share data through any type of connection: (ie. windows sharing, internal server or Web).
When needed, the database can be hosted anywhere you want.

Is it available as a mobile app or SAAS software?

SAAS is the "rental" software hosted by SOLTI. We can provide such solution for techncal or commercial reasons.
SIM is mostly technology-independant and you can connect anykid of devce to the database.
SOLTISCAN Free and SOLTISCAN Pro are the smartphone Apps for Android and IOS.
SIM Online is a light version of SIM to be used from any browser.

What technology is used to program SIM?

SIM is developed with Microsoft Net tools with C # language.
Despite all the latest trends that come and go, the biggest professional apps use Microsoft.
Of course, the worldwide web and mobile devices apps have fabulous tools, but they are intended for consumer applications and cannot be compared, in terms of reliability, with a professional software.
Just ask financial traders and space industry developers if they use Android and Javascript!
In addition to Net language, SIM uses Microsoft Office standards and SQL language that is universal for all databases.
We also provide php, java and Javascript applications for smartphones and Web Browser.

Does SIM provide cloud-based solutions?

With SIM, you can determine the level of security you desire.
Data can stay on one PC, hosted on one of your servers or shared via DropBox or Google Drive.
You can also use MySQL or SQL Server database
We can help you in selecting and implementing the best architecture that aligns with your specific needs.


Can I manually enter data into SIM?

Some adopt SIM when cleaning their stock. In that instance, it is sometimes preferable to manually enter each description of the product, to ensure that your data is accurate. Another option is to simply scan everything using barcodes, and to later correct the description in your data. But beyond 300 references, it is advisable to use Excel!

Can I import existing data into SIM?

Yes! In the "PRODUCT" tab, use the "EXPORT" button to create a CSV file, open this file with Excel, add your data with copy/paste
In the "TOOLS/DATA" tab, click on DELETE PRODUCTS
In the "TOOLS/DATA" tab, click on IMPORT SIM PRODUCTS to integrate your file

You can also use "IMPORT SPECIFIC PRODUCT" to change the order of your columns

In case you encounter a problem, just send us your Excel file! We can help you!

Getting started

What is the most challenging aspect of setting up SIM?

It's psychological, often related to a resistance to change.
Stock management without software can pose potential concerns and present unfamiliar challenges due to constraints related to stock breaks, purchases, and accounting inventory.
In fact, these concerns disappear when you are no longer burdened with the need to remember and manage references and locations.
Stock that is saved on a PC becomes visible and mastered. It becomes a source of satisfaction, inspiration and motivation.

How do I get started?

You should start as soon as possible! Every day that goes by without a digital solution you lose a bit more of your data.
Every day that passes by you lose time. SIM usually allows you in less than an hour to switch your files from an Excel-run system to a SIM-run system for data storage and traceability.
You can gradually switch your data by group or according to actual stock movements. No need to update dormant products! Whatever you do, you will always know at what stage of "migration" you are at.

What is the procedure for preserving existing data on SIM?

You can of course enter your references manually, one by one, checking the description and the quantity.
You can also (from version 2.58) use an "injector" that accepts all Excel.csv file formats.
If you are unsatisfied with this approach, you have the option of trusting us with your data.
You have the flexibility to export your datain .CSV format at any time,enabling you to make corrections or swiftly input data into an Excel file.

What is the estimated implementation time for SIM in a company?

The implementation time depends only on you. In simple cases, SIM installation takes 3 minutes and integration of an Excel table 5 minutes.
In two hours, you will forget the difficulties and worries of Excel.
In other scenarios, implementing SIM can be linked to a move, a restructure or a complete overhaul of your stock operations.
That's where SIM’s modularity is important: the transition is at your own pace, from simple to complex. Software options or modifications are closely linked in real time to your work and needs.
Rotating inventory enables progressive updates of your data.
Your production is never disrupted by SIM.

Can I create references and barcodes?

If you are starting from scratch, without a product list or existing barcodes, you may be wondering how to create barcodes.
The following are main points to keep in mind:

The best is to use simple numbers like 10001, 10003, ...
The one thing that really matter is that each product has a different barcode.
You will soon get used to any numbering system.


Can I rearrange the rows order?

The database gives an incremental identifier ID. It is technically feasible to display products in alphabetical order. You can change the order by clicking on top of the column. Alternatively, it is possible to configure the order in reverse, with the most recent items displayed at the top. When exporting and then re-importing a database, the products IDs are reassigned in file order. In practice you will work a lot with the SEARCH function and that ultimately the initial display order does not matter.

Can I change the columns order?

The column order reflects a summary of current requests.
Certainly, your Excel files will be organized slightly different.
However, it is very useful for all to adopt a standard from a technical perspective to preserve a pre-defined structure.
You will see that after using it for 3 days, you will have fully integrated the new layout.
It is however necessary to adjust the length of the columns.

Where does the most recent item created takes place?

A new line is created with the next available number. If you want to modify a product’s ID, you will need to export the data, sort the excel file and re-import the data.
This is a way to remove empty deleted lines.
In fact, nobody really worries about line numbers or IDs, as users normally depend on search buttons and filters.


Does SIM support barcodes?

The barcode is the logical progression of computerization of stock. The barcode is a small timesaver, but above all, it offers reliability and comfort because it can read and memorize references effortlessly. SIM is designed to be easy to use with or without barcodes. To optimize the use of wired or wireless readers, you will need the "BAR CODE READING" SIM option.

Can I print barcodes with SIM?

Barcode printing is possible without software, with a conventional printer. However, if you want to avoid reference errors and want a reliable system, you should consider acquiring a software. SIM can print on A4-size paper but for extensive use and quality labels, we recommend using a specialized printer. There are printers from 100€ to 500€ depending on the type of media and print quality. SIM is compatible with all printers since it uses the Windows driver provided by the manufacturer. To format labels for printing, you will require the "SIM Label" option within the SIM software.

Can I use existing barcodes?

If your suppliers label their products, you can incorporate their references. The "Extra Column" option allows you to manage the vendors references in addition to yours. You can have vendor labels coexisting with your own labels, in case a product doesn’t have one, with the "Multivendor" option you can have different labels for the same reference.

What barcode reader is compatible with SIM?

Inexpensive wired readers are one option. Another option are Batch readers, which work in a two-step process: first by scanning products and storing them in the memory, and secondly uploading them onto a PC. A third solution is the use of connected drives. Via bluetooth you have the advantage of an inexpensive solution but with limited range; with Wifi you are often dependent on business computing, therefore the most reliable solution is radio connection. In most cases, a batch is enough. There is no "best reader". You must find the one that suits your operations and is adapted to your budget.

Software update

How can I update my SIM version?

SIM updates are free: if you are comfortable with copying files you can updated yourself, enabling you to benefit from a small bug fix to a new feature. Keep in mind that if your software is over two years old it may have compatibility issues. To provide you with dedicated technical support, you should either have a maintenance contract or be in the first month of software warranty. This will be an opportunity for us to verify your data, your backups, and optimized your installation.

To help you, you must have a maintenance contract, or be in the first month of warranty. This will be an opportunity to check your data, your backups, to help you optimize your installation.

User manual

One of the encountered problems is the file extensions .mdb and .ini do not necessarily appear in your file explorer.
For the parameter file the icon is a gear wheel, for the database file: it is the largest of the SIM files, except the PDF file

Newly released options

Installation of new options may require a resetting of tables. It is necessary to follow these three steps:

Export data

Can I export and analyze my data?

There are several ways to analyze and export your data depending on the amount of time you want to spend and the desired level of sorting. These methods are valid on the "Products" tab for analyzing references and quantities, or on the "Log" tab for movements.

In all cases, you can get a .CSV result file. With Excel, you will be able to analyze, sort, and print your data as usual.

Is it possible to integrate SIM with other IT platforms?

SIM easily integrates with many IT solutions.
By using Microsoft software on one of your machines rather than a hosted web server, SIM enables unlimited transfers by:

Track online sales inventory (PHP, etc.), integrate ERP references (SAP, etc.), report outputs to accounting softwares (SAGE, etc.) - Request a free estimate now!