Resellers prices and conditions.

SOLTI is a small company, compared to the large number of customers (1800) and the size of our competitors.
We want to keep a human size team and we prefer to focus on software development, that is why we need partners to promote, to install and support SIM.
The user's are asking for a close relationship and no langage barrier to get support on their software.
Your company is probably more efficient than we could be in your own environement to understand and satisfy customer needs.

How to start?

To start a collaboration, and make things simple, you give us the contact, we take care of everything and you get a 20% commission.
You are involved in all discussions, and you will be able to maintain and support the customer for the future.

Regular prices

Once you are ready to handle a project, you can manage your own clients, your own way.
We will always give you full support anytime, as we all want to grow the SIM's user community.
For a Win Win future.

Product Description Public Price Discount Reseller Price Customer Price
SIM One year license $100 0 $100 $100
Maintenance One year maintenance & Support $100-500 0 Your job Your price
Basic Options Unlimited duration $100 50% $50 $100
ERP Options Unlimited duration $300 50% $150 $300
Solti Training One day training by Solti $1000 25% $750 $1000
Your Training One day training by You Your Price
Solti Installation Test and settings by Solti $200 0% $200 $200
Your Installation Test and settings by You Your Price

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