The Predictions tab is as follows:
In order to add the various options of the prediction tab it is
enough to enter in the GSM.ini file the letter corresponding to the
desired tab:
- A = Prediction page
- B = Stock display page
- C = Display page of the stock value
- D = Transactions display page
- E = History display page
- F = Retro history display page
Enter your family and references, SIM will create a graph for each
You have the possibility to save the sets of graphs
already created and to reuse them later by selecting them in the
list on the left.
By clicking on the other tabs in the window you have access to
different types of information such as stock status (in the form of
a bar chart or cylindrical diagram)
If you change references,
simply click on the refresh button to update the graph with the new
data. (Stock)
To change the graph style, simply check the type of graphs you want
at the bottom of the tab.
The movements performed on the
selected references in the selected date range (Movement tab)
The value of the current stock according to the selected references
(Stock value)
The movement history of the selected references. (History)
At any moment you can print the graph by clicking on the "print"
Then on the printer icon below: